Please Note:-
  1. The registration is only for girls.
  2. The registered candidate has to appear for the Test & interview on the date specified in the interview slip and has to report at the allotted time for the same.
  3. Both parents have to be present with the child for the Test & interview. No other person shall be allowed to represent the parents on the day of the Test, interview & submission of Admission form.
  4. The original interview slip is to be retained by the parents and is to be produced at the time of both the interview and the admission of the selected candidate.
  5. The parents should ensure that all entries made in the form are correct. Any false or incorrect information shall disqualify the child from admission.
  6. Certificates uploaded with form (e.g. Birth Certificate etc.) are to be produced in original at the time of interview.
  7. Church Sponsored candidates have to produce original Baptism certificate with a self attested copy of the same at the time of admission.
  8. The candidate shall be expected to carry colour pencils, pencils, eraser etc., with her for the test.
  9. Please note that the school admits the students directly and we do not entertain any middle persons / agencies for the same. Any recommendation from any source may disqualify the student from admission and shall be treated as illegal.
  10. Please note that Girls High School & College Management reserves the right to admit candidates as per norms/criteria set by the institution.
  11. Fees paid for registration / admission is non-refundable.
  12. Result of the test shall be declared online on the GHS Admission Portal.
  13. The Qualifying age limit for registration is as follows:
  14. Nursery 3+years to 4 years Born between 31/03/2022 to 01/04/2021
    Class 1 6+ years to 7 years Born between 31/03/2019 to 01/04/2018
  15. No queries regarding admissions shall be entertained at the School Gate.
Syllabus for Entrance exam Class Nursery
Oral test from the following topics:
  1. What is your name?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Colours
  4. Fruits
  5. Vegetables
  6. Animals
  7. Parts of the body
Drawing/Written test:

To recognise and colour the given object.

Syllabus for Entrance exam Class 1
Oral test:
  1. English Recitation
  2. Names : (a) Food we eat (b) Sense organs (c) Animals
    (d) Birds (e) Insects (f) Colours
Written Test:
  1. Compostion one & many
  2. Use of A, An This, That, These & Those
  3. Pairing words Opposites
  4. Maths : Number 1 - 200
  5. Number Names 1 - 100
  6. Tables 2 to 5
  7. Before & After 1 - 100
  8. Bigger, Smaller & Equal (Signs)
  9. Addition & Subtraction
  10. Shapes
Hindi Oral
  1. नाम - सब्जी , फल , रंग , शरीर के अंग
  2. गिनती 1 से 30 तक
  3. निबन्ध
  4. चित्र शब्द
  5. मात्रा लगाना
  6. वाक्य बनाओ
  7. खाली जगह भरो