Please Note:-
- The registration is only for girls.
- The registered candidate has to appear for the Test & interview on the date specified in the interview slip and has to report at the allotted time for the same.
- Both parents have to be present with the child for the Test & interview. No other person shall be allowed to represent the parents on the day of the Test, interview & submission of Admission form.
- The original interview slip is to be retained by the parents and is to be produced at the time of both the interview and the admission of the selected candidate.
- The parents should ensure that all entries made in the form are correct. Any false or incorrect information shall disqualify the child from admission.
- Certificates uploaded with form (e.g. Birth Certificate etc.) are to be produced in original at the time of interview.
- Church Sponsored candidates have to produce original Baptism certificate with a self attested copy of the same at the time of admission.
- The candidate shall be expected to carry colour pencils, pencils, eraser etc., with her for the test.
- Please note that the school admits the students directly and we do not entertain any middle persons / agencies for the same. Any recommendation from any source may disqualify the student from admission and shall be treated as illegal.
- Please note that Girls High School & College Management reserves the right to admit candidates as per norms/criteria set by the institution.
- Fees paid for registration / admission is non-refundable.
- Result of the test shall be declared online on the GHS Admission Portal.
- The Qualifying age limit for registration is as follows:
- No queries regarding admissions shall be entertained at the School Gate.
Nursery | 3+years to 4 years | Born between 31/03/2022 to 01/04/2021 |
Class 1 | 6+ years to 7 years | Born between 31/03/2019 to 01/04/2018 |
Syllabus for Entrance exam Class Nursery
Oral test from the following topics:
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Colours
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Animals
- Parts of the body
Drawing/Written test:
To recognise and colour the given object.
Syllabus for Entrance exam Class 1
Oral test:
- English Recitation
- Names : (a) Food we eat (b) Sense organs (c) Animals
(d) Birds (e) Insects (f) Colours
Written Test:
- Compostion one & many
- Use of A, An This, That, These & Those
- Pairing words Opposites
- Maths : Number 1 - 200
- Number Names 1 - 100
- Tables 2 to 5
- Before & After 1 - 100
- Bigger, Smaller & Equal (Signs)
- Addition & Subtraction
- Shapes
Hindi Oral
- नाम - सब्जी , फल , रंग , शरीर के अंग
- गिनती 1 से 30 तक
- निबन्ध
- चित्र शब्द
- मात्रा लगाना
- वाक्य बनाओ
- खाली जगह भरो