Dear Parents, Students, Stake holders and members of the Editorial Board,
It is a matter of privilege for me to congratulate the team of staff and students who have worked hard in bringing out this Binneal issue of our school magazine. You can get an insight into our academic commitment, educational development and the level of smart work our students and faculty members are capable of putting in to create a journal as you go through this magazine.
I am sure that all the readers will appreciate the meticulous work our Editorial Board has put in, so that all the parents get an insight into what we are as A School.
A lot of research goes into the production of a School Journal and reports on boarding house, classroom teaching, play field records and other information not only speak volumes about our work commitment, but also through these pages, we convey the creative talent of our students. Their emotions and aspirations, challenges and dreams have taken the form of words and pictures and this effort has captured the very ethos and spirit of their experiences.
The fast changing global scenario has put a huge challenge before the educational institutions to move towards transformed and active learning. New devices and models are to be presented to the students to enhance their capacity and tenacity to face new challenges and to go head on with more energy than ever before.
A school magazine is a mirror of insights and achievements of children. This issue once again, records the vitality and potential of Girls High, School and college, as one of the best in this great nation.
On behalf of the editorial board, I would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the creation of this magazine. It is said that, “Excellence is never an accident. It always is a result of high intentions, sincere efforts and Intelligent execution.” Our journey of success and learning will continue , for many decades to come, and we shall continue to follow the footsteps of the founding fathers and shall keep trying to be relevant in the changed educational scenario.
Once again thank you dear team members May reading of the this issue for the years 2022-23 and 2023-24 bring Glory to The Lord Our Creator and Sustainer and ignite in the hearts of our readers, reverence for the power of expression through journal writing.
Vinita Eusebius
Editor in Chief